*Please call 847-256-1705 for current rates*
One Hour Visits
Our one hour visit service is designed for a client who has a limited number of tasks that can be performed within approximately one hour.
This is sometimes called a wake-up or tuck-in visit because of the typical times it is needed.
For example, a client may just need a caregiver to come in the morning, wake them up, help them bathe and dress, remind them to take medications, fix an easy breakfast and then tidy up the work areas before they leave.
Or perhaps some extra help is needed getting to bed at night or simply a companion to come for lunch and take the client for a walk.
Any combination of tasks that can be reasonably completed with an hour time frame is appropriate for this service.
Rates include caregiver, case manager and 24-hour phone support
Hourly Service
An hourly caregiver works a minimum of four hours up to a maximum of twelve hours per shift per day.
Schedules are tailored to fit the client's needs.
When a caregiver is needed 24 hours, it is provided by two caregivers in 12-hour shifts and may require four caregivers to cover a full week.
Services can be cancelled at any time with 24 hours notice.
Rates include caregiver, clinical case manager and 24-hour phone support.
A live-in caregiver is an experienced professional who moves into the home of a client and provides care during waking hours.
Live-in service is not 24-hour care.
The caregiver must be able to get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep and have a comfortable place to rest and get privacy.
The caregiver will be available at night for occasional needs; but if help is needed on a nightly basis, the caregiver will become deprived of sleep and the situation may become unsafe.
If a situation is determined to be unsafe, a second caregiver may be needed temporarily to work at night billed at an hourly rate so that the live-in caregiver can get their rest. This is called a Live-in Plus service. The case managers work closely with the client, family and caregiver to determine when this arrangement is appropriate.
Services can be cancelled at any time with 24 hours notice.
Rates include caregiver, case manager and 24-hour phone support
For clients who only need assistance getting to their appointments, we offer an escort service for up to three hours.
The caregiver will pick up the client, drive to the appointment, stay with the client during the appointment, and then drive them home, assisting in all aspects along the way.
Getting out of the house to appointments can often be a challenging and dangerous task with the likelihood of falls and injury increasing in the winter and after a stay in the hospital or rehab facility.
It is better than a taxi because the client is hiring a professional trained to assist with ambulation and avoiding falls as well as someone experienced in what to do if a fall occurs.
It is better than a van service, because the client is guaranteed one-on-one attention, whereas a van may make several stops to pick up multiple riders.
Meals are provided by the client to the caregiver simply by including the caregiver in the daily eating routine of the client or by adding a nominal fee.
If the caregiver employs their own vehicle in service to the client, the standard IRS rate per mile is billed to the client. If the caregiver uses the client's vehicle, there is no additional expense. It is recommended that the client review their auto policy to ensure that additional drivers are covered.
Time-and-a-half holidays include Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day.
Double-time holidays include Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.